Stone Mountain Engagement sessions are the best. For those that happen to read my blog on the occasions I decide to write, you’ll remember the soft-spoken poet Adrian ‘aka’ Prolific Penman. A very deep individual who’s written words are often filled with love, respect, and the joys of life. This weekend we were able to meet the inspiration of those prolific words of wisdom.
Risha, like Adrian is soft-spoken, but the similarities end there. One glimpse of this southern beauty full of confidence, and you see why Adrian is infatuated with her. The two make one awesome couple, and the time we spent with them was full of joy, laughter, and the occasional tear. (I have allergies…..yeah, that’s it)
Stone Mountain Park was one of their favorite places to visit, so an engagement session with the team from made perfect sense. We wandered near the lake, and tried as much as we could to stay in the shade on this hot, sunny afternoon. The setting sun by the lake was tranquil, and Adrian true to form, uttered a few words of inspiration to end a wonderful session:
“I want to learn how to become the best husband. I want to be an even tempered man who is led by wise choices rather than quick choices. I want my marriage to have its own definition which goes against the very things that most people have said about marriage. I want my marriage to be an example that time, effort, and work placed into anything for the right reasons does payoff. I want my marriage to be one that is governed by Godly choices rather simple human emotions. I also want to have a marriage where my wife and I both get our emotional needs met and can come together and work through anything rather than shutting down and going into retreat. This is the kind of marriage I want to have.”
~ the prolific penman
Prolific indeed.
Next up: The Prolific wedding by Kevin Maurice Photography – Charleston Wedding Photographer